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Emergency Cases:
0135-2770380 | +917617774518
Premnagar, Dehradun
Uttarakhand, 248007
Email Address
[email protected]
The O.P.D. wing comprises of the following subdivisions:
- Kayachikitsa (General Medicine)
- Panchakarma (Ancient classical approach to maintain health)
- Shalya (General Surgery)
- Shalakya (Eye & E.N.T.)
- Balroga (Paediatrics)
- Prasuti Evum Stri Roga (Obstetrics & Gynaecology)
- Swasthavritta Evum Yoga (Preventive and social health)
Key features:
- Specific wings
- Specialized Consultants
- Ayurvedic diagnostic approach
- Modern diagnostic tools
- Monday to Saturday- 09.00 AM- 05:00 PM
- Therapies- Monday to Sunday (Timings as allotted by Consultants)
- Emergency Services- 24×7
The I.P.D wing comprises of the following subdivisions:
- 100 beds hospital
- Specific wards -Kayachikitsa and Panchakarma (Male & Female Ward)
- General and Private Wards
- Specialized diet plan according to disease as per Ayurvedic concepts.
- 24×7 Doctors on duty
- Well experienced and trained nursing staff
- Routine Pathological Examination
-Shalya and Shalakya (Male & Female Ward)
-Prasuti Evum Stri Roga Ward
-Balroga Ward
Operation Theatre (OT)
UHDC has well equipped Operation Theatre (OT) for all types of Minor & Major Surgeries.
- Advance and latest machines
- Qualified professionals and trained staff
Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at UHDC is a combination of specialities and technologies that are designed to maximize the chances of survival through expert care.
- Well equipped
- Advance and latest machines
- Qualified professionals and trained staff
The Machine used in the hospital for X-Ray is DR-X-RAY (EPSILON).
- Fixed Epsilon 300mA DR-X-RAY
Ambulance Service
UHDC has well equipped ambulance service
- UHDC has well equipped ambulances available 24*7. UHDC takes pride in ensuring the safety and well-being of its campus community & society.
Pharmacy Service
As pharmacy is an integrated part of patient health care in a health facility, UHDC provides a well-developed pharmacy and medicines facility.
- 24×7 Pharmacy service
- Standard Ayurvedic Drugs (Classical and Patent)
- Emergency Medicines
A well-equipped Physiotherapy department has been established in UHDC Center. Patients suffering from various inflammatory & degenerative arthropathies like Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis etc.
- Well equipped physiotherapy department.
- Latest equipment for physiotherapy.
- Deals with muscular pain, stiffness, joint pains & post accidental pain management.
UHDC offers a range of Panchakarma procedures designed to promote wellness and overall health.
- Seasonal Panchakarma Therapies (Classical)
- Detoxification Therapies (As per Disease & Doshas)
- Wellness Therapies (Relaxation)
- Rejuvenation Therapies (For healthy individuals of all age groups)
Pathology Lab
We have tests for biochemistry, clinical pathology, haematology, immunology, microbiology, serology, endocrinology, and infectious diseases.
- 24×7 Services available
- Modern Instruments
Yoga & Wellbeing
Yoga is an integral part of the Ayurvedic treatment, and in UHDC personalised yoga training by well-trained yoga professionals is given to patients according to their diseases.
- Yoga sessions by trained professionals
- Personalized Yoga sessions according to disease
Diet Counselling
- Quality
- Processing
- Combination
- Quantity
- Habitat
- Time
- Dietic rules
- User
Lifestyle Counselling
- Dincharya (Daily Regimen)
- Ritucharya (Seasonal Regimen)
- Ratricharya (Night Regimen)
- Sadvritta & Aachar Rasayan (Ethical Regimen)
Psychological Counselling/Therapies
- Satvavajaya (Controlling mind)
- Psychotherapies
- Aachar Rasayan (Code of conduct)
- Medhya Rasayan (Boosts Psyche)
- Ashtang Yoga Practice
- Diet Regimen
- Moral Codes
- Self Discipline
- Postures
- Breathing exercises
- Sensory Transcendence
- Concentration
- Meditation
- State of bliss
Mental Health
Specialised treatment for female infertility
- Ritu (Appropriate time for conception)
- Ambu (Nutritional diet essential for conception)
- Beeja (Healthy sperm & ovum)
- Kshetra (Healthy Uterus)
- Fallopian Tube Blockage
- Endometriosis
- Premature Ovarian Failure
- Hormonal Imbalance
- Anovulatory Cycle
Garbhasanskar and Garbhini Paricharya
- Breathing Exercises
- Praanayam
- Dhyaan
- Mantra Listening & Chanting
- Womb Talking
- Mind Training
- Regular Exercises
- Specific Asanas for Pregnancy
- Specific Pregnancy Diet
Shamana Therapy
The curative approach focuses on restoring balance to these bio-energies using Ayurvedic medicines, as well as non-medical therapies.
- Internal and external medication.
- Therapeutic diet and lifestyle.
- Special non-medical treatments: Fasting, sunbathing, exercise, exposure to fresh air, digestives, appetizers, thirst control, etc.
These treatments are suitable for children, pregnant women, the weak and elderly, and during the mild stages of a disease.
Therapies for Eyes, Ear, Nose, and Throat includes:-
- Netra Tarpan
- Seka
- Ashchyotan
- Putpaka
- Pindi
- Bidalaka
- Anjana
- Karnapooran
- Karnadhoopan
- Kaval
- Gandoosha
- Nasya
- Dhoompana

- Monday - Saturday
- 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- (Sunday Closed)
- Emergency - 24x7
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